The Community Send-Off for our own Richard Goodall was something you wouldn’t believe!! 🤯Not only did more than 1,000 people pack the Vigo County Fairgrounds to wish him well, but country music artist, 🤩Walker Hayes🤩 surprised Richard and his fiancé Angie with a BRAND NEW CAR!!
We have been busting with excitement for today’s event and the big surprise obviously made it unforgettable! 🤫
Thank you to Vigo County Fair and The City of Terre Haute… J. D. Mullen Company and especially the team at WTWO TV! It wouldn’t have happened with the crew at 2!We’re also grateful to the local businesses who participated including Baesler’s Market, Bear’s Coffee and Roasting Co., Ginger Ale’s Terre Haute South and WaterTower Estates Winery.
🤞As someone said today… let’s do it all again when Richard returns to Terre Haute as the winner of America’s Got Talent!! 🤞
(Details on how you can vote for Richard on AGT coming soon!!)