Alicia was finding it tough to balance her work and take care of her son, Edduin. Lately, he had been unusually restless and tired, often waking up crying in the middle of the night. Despite her efforts to soothe him, he remained exhausted and uninterested in his toys. Concerned, Alicia reached out to a doctor but was told it was likely just a phase.
One afternoon, after putting Edduin down for a nap, she heard strange giggling from his room, as if someone was in there with him. Her heart raced as she burst into the room, but no one was there. Edduin stared up from his crib, and the room was eerily silent. Alicia searched the bathroom, closet, and under the bed but found nothing. Still, the unsettling feeling lingered, and the strange noises continued in the following days.
Worried and desperate for answers, Alicia decided to install a Wi-Fi baby monitor in Edduin’s room. A few days later, while watching the live feed, she noticed movement. Her stomach dropped as she watched her son giggle at something off-camera. Without hesitation, she dashed to his room, terrified of what she might find.
When she opened the door, Alicia was relieved to see that the “intruder” was just a small, scruffy dog. The dog, looking weak and dirty, had slipped through a forgotten dog door that once belonged to Alicia’s late dog, Doblo. After John’s death and Edduin’s birth, Alicia had completely forgotten to close the dog door, which allowed the stray dog to sneak in and play with Edduin during his naps.
Realizing the poor condition of the dog, Alicia decided to adopt him and named him Casper. From that day on, Casper became Edduin’s best friend. Thanks to the little dog, Edduin stopped crying at night and became a much happier baby. Now, with a little balance, Edduin gets his sleep, and Alicia makes sure the two don’t spend too much time playing when it’s nap time.
What can we learn from this story?
Parenting is not easy, and balancing work and family can be a challenge, but Alicia shows that parents will do whatever it takes for their children.
Always be kind to animals. Alicia showed compassion by adopting Casper after seeing the dog in a poor state.