Elizabeth and Simon had been married for many years, sharing a life full of memories and raising two beautiful children. They were high school sweethearts, deeply in love from a young age. Simon was a hardworking businessman, while Elizabeth devoted her time to their family, staying at home to raise their kids. As the children grew older, Elizabeth decided to return to her passion for real estate, a career she had left behind after becoming a mother. Simon supported her decision but worried about how they’d manage the household. To help, they hired a live-in maid, Rose, who quickly became part of their daily lives.
Rose was reliable, friendly, and seemed to get along well with Simon. The two often shared conversations when Elizabeth was busy or at work. Over time, Elizabeth grew to consider Rose a friend, trusting her completely.
One day, Elizabeth noticed something strange—Simon was wearing a new ring. It was unusual because Simon wasn’t one to wear jewelry, aside from his wedding band, which he had lost some time ago and never bothered to replace.
“Love, is that a new ring on your finger?” Elizabeth asked curiously.
Simon glanced at his hand, a bit startled but played it off. “Oh, yeah, this little thing. I saw it at the jewelry store in town and thought I’d treat myself.”
Elizabeth found it odd, especially since Simon had never been fond of jewelry. Still, she shrugged it off, chalking it up to the fact that people’s tastes change over time.
A year later, tragedy struck when Simon passed away suddenly from a heart attack. Elizabeth was devastated, heartbroken by the unexpected loss. She tried to stay strong for their children, but her grief was overwhelming. The funeral was an emotional day, filled with sorrow as friends and family came to pay their respects.
As Elizabeth stood by Simon’s coffin, sobbing quietly, Rose approached her. Rose had also been visibly shaken by Simon’s death, which Elizabeth attributed to the close bond they’d formed over the years. Rose wrapped her arms around Elizabeth in a comforting hug.
But as they embraced, Elizabeth’s eyes caught something that made her blood run cold—Rose was wearing the same ring Simon had been wearing before he died. Shocked and confused, Elizabeth immediately pulled away.
“Where did you get that ring?!” Elizabeth demanded, her voice rising in anger.
Rose looked startled, her face flushed with guilt. “Elizabeth, please, not here, not now.”
“Don’t you dare tell me to calm down!” Elizabeth shouted. “That was Simon’s ring! Did you steal it from him?”
Murmurs spread among the mourners, all eyes turning to the confrontation. Rose, cornered and trembling, finally broke her silence.
“Simon gave it to me. We… we were lovers,” Rose admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
Elizabeth froze in disbelief. Her heart pounded as her world crumbled around her. “What are you saying?” she asked, her voice barely audible.
Rose, teary-eyed, continued, “We were having an affair. Simon was planning to leave you. We were going to get married.”
Elizabeth’s mind reeled. The betrayal was too much to process. She had trusted Rose, welcomed her into their home, and now she was being told that her husband had been unfaithful with the very woman she considered a friend.
A few weeks after the funeral, Elizabeth was called to Simon’s lawyer’s office to hear the reading of his will. To her surprise, Rose was there too. Tension filled the room as Elizabeth shot her a cold glare.
“What is she doing here?” Elizabeth demanded, her voice laced with bitterness.
“Simon requested that Rose be present,” the lawyer explained calmly.
Elizabeth sat in stunned silence as the will was read. To her disbelief, Simon had left the bulk of his assets to Rose, including money and investments. Elizabeth was left with a modest sum, but the house was bequeathed to their children. It was a crushing blow. After all their years together, Simon had left her almost nothing.
Though heartbroken, Elizabeth knew she would survive. Her decision to return to work had given her financial independence. She didn’t need Simon’s money to support herself or her children, but the emotional betrayal cut deep.
In the end, Elizabeth realized that the marriage she had cherished wasn’t what it seemed. Simon had lived a double life, hiding secrets that would forever change her perception of their love. But through it all, she learned the importance of maintaining her own independence and the value of honesty in any relationship.
Lessons from the story:
Always maintain independence – If Elizabeth hadn’t returned to work, she might have been financially vulnerable after Simon’s death.
Honesty is crucial – If Simon had been truthful about his feelings, they may have had the chance to address their issues and save their marriage.