Woman transforms into real-life Ken and then Barbie after spending over $800,000 on 107 procedures – you better sit before you see how he looked before all surgeries.

Jessica Alves, once Rodrigo Alves, is no stranger to extensive plastic surgery in pursuit of self-transformation. Her journey began in 2004, when the Brazil-born Alves first went under the knife. Initially, she wanted to emulate a “Ken doll” aesthetic, but in 2020, Jessica revealed she was transgender, expressing a desire to embody her true identity. “I’m known as Ken, but inside I’ve always felt like Barbie,” she shared.

Over the years, Alves has undergone over 100 surgeries, spending nearly half a million dollars to reshape her appearance. Procedures have included facial feminization, breast augmentation, rib removal, and even calf shaping, among others. However, her extensive modifications have also come with medical complications. In 2016, Jessica was hospitalized due to necrosis, a life-threatening condition that damaged her nose. After multiple rhinoplasties, her nose started to collapse again in 2019, intensifying her concerns.

Through this transformation, Alves has documented her experiences online, amassing a following of over one million fans. Despite controversies and mixed reactions, she’s gained significant media attention, even appearing on “Celebrity Big Brother” and in interviews detailing her journey. She is vocal about her commitment to surgeries, explaining that each procedure brings her closer to feeling like herself.

In 2024, Alves underwent her fifth facelift, a “ponytail facelift,” to address loose skin left after dissolving previous fillers. This latest procedure, conducted in Turkey, left her covered in bandages, which sparked viral interest when images circulated online. As Alves shared, “It was very elastic, like rubber, so the doctor was able to remove five inches of my skin.”

Alves now embraces life as Jessica, enjoying things like hair salons, makeup, and wearing elegant clothing, which she says align with her identity. Though she acknowledges the risks involved with her ongoing transformation, Jessica remains steadfast, stating that achieving her authentic self is worth the journey, surgeries, and everything that comes with it.

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