KIDS MOCK A POOR CLASSMATE FOR HIS CARDBOARD HALLOWEEN COSTUME UNTIL A MALE VOICE INTERRUPTS THEM “Look at Levi, he’s wearing a piece of colored cardboard!” a boy shouted, bursting into laughter. “He couldn’t even get a real costume!” “Don’t say that, Tony!” Levi’s voice trembled as tears welled up in his eyes. “My dad worked hard on this! He watched so many videos and put in so much effort!” “Oh yeah?” another kid chimed, smirking with his friends. “Well, that ‘costume’ makes you look like a loser! Bet your dad’s a loser too!” The other kids joined in, their cruel words hitting Levi like punches. He could feel the tears rolling down his cheeks. The laughter and mean comments were too much. Levi stood there, crying, wishing he could just disappear. And then, all of a sudden, the room fell silent. There was a loud gasp from the crowd, and when Levi looked up, he couldn’t believe what he saw on the stage.

Levi adored his family, even though they lived modestly. But as Halloween approached, he grew upset. His school was holding a costume contest, and he longed for a new costume like his friends, who were dressing as superheroes. When his parents, Carol and Darren, explained that they couldn’t afford it because they were saving to pay their mortgage, Levi felt hurt, believing they valued the house over him.

Carol felt her son’s disappointment deeply, and though finances were tight, Darren came up with a creative solution. He spent hours designing a robot costume from cardboard and duct tape, making sure it was special. When he finally presented it to Levi, his son’s face lit up with joy. Levi loved robots, and knowing his dad had made the costume just for him made it all the more special.

However, on the day of the costume contest, Levi’s excitement quickly faded. His classmates teased him mercilessly, mocking his homemade outfit. They taunted him for not having a “real” costume, calling it just “colored cardboard.” Levi tried defending his dad’s effort, but their harsh words brought him to tears, and he hid backstage, devastated and ashamed.

When Levi didn’t appear on stage, his absence was noticed. Suddenly, there was a commotion. The school principal, Mr. Frederick, stepped onto the stage, dressed in a red robot costume remarkably similar to Levi’s. “Where is my fellow robot?” he called out, looking for Levi.

Levi was stunned. With newfound confidence, he joined Mr. Frederick on stage. “You’re Captain Red, and I’m Agent Blue!” he said, grinning. The principal explained to everyone that Levi’s costume was unique and praised the love and effort behind it. “Not all costumes need money,” he said. “Some are built with heart, and that’s what makes them special.”

With Mr. Frederick by his side, Levi’s costume was celebrated. He even won the contest, standing proudly with the trophy. The kids who had teased him apologized, admitting his costume was cool. Levi graciously shared his prize candies with everyone, emphasizing his parents’ lesson of kindness.

The principal’s words resonated with the students. “Let’s support each other and appreciate the good,” he reminded them. Levi went home that day feeling loved, his confidence restored, knowing that his family’s love was far richer than any store-bought costume.

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