My husband was late from work again. In the morning, his phone was buzzing nonstop. Curiosity got the better of me, and I picked it up. It was an alert from our bank: “TRANSACTION DECLINED DUE TO INSUFFICIENT FUNDS.”

I thought I knew the man I’d married, the person I’d planned a future with. But one morning, after yet another late night, the truth about Jason’s double life emerged—a secret so shocking it shattered our marriage.

When we met, it felt like destiny. Jason’s calm, nerdy energy and our shared love for the digital world drew us together. I built websites; he protected them as an IT security specialist. He’d joke that we were “partners in crime in the digital universe,” and for years, it felt like a perfect match. We dated, fell in love, married, and began a life that seemed scripted for happiness.

For three blissful years, we had our routines, weekend hikes, and quiet moments. We dreamed of a future together—family plans, our own home. But life rarely goes as planned, and things began to shift.

One Friday, Jason came home late, barely acknowledging the meal I’d made. His lateness, his exhaustion, his phone constantly buzzing—it all became routine. Even on his birthday, he arrived home hours late, smelling faintly of unfamiliar cologne.

As his late nights continued, our closeness faded, and suspicion grew. I lay awake, troubled by a gnawing feeling that something was terribly wrong in our marriage.

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