When I was a kid, I was chilling in the water of the Mediterranean Sea in Turkey. Suddenly I felt an awful burning sensation on my stomach and my legs. I looked like I had been brutally sandpapered and I got a 40°C (104°F) fever. Turns out I made contact with a jellyfish, and later found out that it hadn’t happened on that beach for 10 years or so. I was just extremely unlucky.

This happened when I was about 6. I needed to use the bathroom at a friend’s house, and he led me to his parents’ bathroom. The place was filled with clutter of all sorts. Boxes, magazines, an inflatable pool, lots of other stuff.

You could barely get in there. He pulled out a drawer from the installed cabinet by the entryway and said to pee in there. I thought he was joking until he went ahead and peed in there himself. I couldn’t argue with that, so I too peed right in there. Then he shut the drawer, and we went and played more Ninja Turtles. I have no idea what became of that drawer, house, or family.

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