A Date, a Choking Incident, and a Doctor’s Heroic Act

I was on a date with a guy who I met recently, and we went to a fancy restaurant. At one point, he left the table to answer a call and disappeared. I tried to call him, but he didn’t pick up. So, I had to pay the bill myself, and the sum was rather large.

He called me back later and asked me to meet him. When we met, he returned the money I’d spent and explained what had happened earlier. When he was outside while speaking on the phone, an old lady fell right in front of him and started to choke.

He’s a doctor, so he gave her first aid, got a taxi, and took her to the nearest hospital. There was no time to wait for an ambulance, and anyway, they’d have done the same things that he did. He spent a few hours there until he was informed that she would be fine and he was free to go. I burst into tears right in front of him…

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