The Heartfelt Truth About My Father

2 years ago, I found out that my father wasn’t my biological father. This news came as a shock to me, as my dad and I are very close. I was also a little hurt that my younger sisters are his biological children. But I’m not.

One day, my dad told me, “When I met your mother, she was already pregnant with you. She found out about it after 3 of our dates. Your mom honestly told me everything. She suggested I leave because I was only 20 years old and the prospect of becoming a father scared me. And then, as I was about to say goodbye forever, I saw your mom holding a picture. I asked what it was. And it was your first ‘picture.’ Or rather, an ultrasound scan. I asked to see it, and she didn’t refuse.
As soon as I saw you, I knew you were mine. And I didn’t leave. I wanted to stay so badly. And you’re my girl, my daughter. And don’t you ever doubt that? Otherwise, if I haven’t managed to assure you of my love in all these years, I’ve lived my life in vain.”

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