A wife packing bags for 10 years

A guy walks into his house and sees his wife, who he has been married to for a decade, getting her things ready to leave.

“Where are you going?” demands the surprised husband.

“To Las Vegas! I found out that there are men that will pay me $500 cash to do what I do for you for free!”

The man thought about it for a second, then started to pack his things.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she yelled.

“I’m going to Las Vegas with you… I want to see how you’re going to live on $1,000 a year!”

An elderly woman was waiting to park her car when a young guy in his shiny new red Mercedes zoomed past her and took the spot she was hoping for.

The old lady was really frustrated, so she approached the young man and exclaimed,

“I was about to park there!”

The young man, acting all cocky, replied,

“That’s just what you can do when you’re young and clever.”

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