Pay attention to these signs, especially #6… Details in the first comment⬇️

Heart attacks are the leading cause of death in the U.S., largely due to stress and poor diet. Recognizing symptoms of heart failure early can be lifesaving. Here are warning signs to watch for:

1. **Swollen Feet**: Blood backs up in legs, ankles, and feet due to ineffective heart pumping.
2. **Fatigue**: Narrowed arteries cause less blood flow, making the heart work harder and leaving you tired.
3. **Shortness of Breath**: Poor blood flow to the heart affects oxygen levels, causing breathing difficulties.
4. **Weakness**: Narrow arteries prevent muscles from getting enough blood, causing sudden weakness.
5. **Dizziness & Cold Sweats**: Poor circulation to the brain leads to dizziness and clamminess.
6. **Chest Pressure**: Pressure or discomfort in the chest can signal an impending heart attack.
7. **Flu-like Symptoms**: Unexplained flu symptoms can occur days before a heart attack.

If you experience these symptoms, see a doctor immediately to reduce heart attack risk.

Dr. Travis Stork on the Symptoms of Heart Attack:

Heart Attack Cough (Self Aid) Demonstration:

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