Adric White, 18, decided to walk into a Family Dollar store to commit robbery. He was already out on bond for a different crime when he made that decision. Unfortunately for him, one of his would-be victims turned the tables on him and shot him. Here’s how Adric’s family responded.

Note: we are republishing this story which originally made the news in November 2013.

When Adric White broke into and entered a Family Dollar, he drew his gun and demanded that the cashier hand over all the cash. White, 18, thought he knew what he was doing when he held the employees hostage at gunpoint.

He ordered them around, acting like a big shot, making demands and feeling strong when they were carried out; however, things took a twist when a Good Samaritan with a legal concealed-carry license busted out their gun and turned the tables on the young armed robber

When the Good Samaritan came to the scene, he pointed his weapon at White and told the young man not to move. But White was not about to have his glory stolen from him that easily.

Instead of listening, he whipped around to look at the Good Samaritan. Because the man with the gun had warned the robber not to move, White got filled with five bullets, which took him out and allowed others to restrain him and get his gun away from him

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