RAPlST Collapses After Learning What He May Have Contracted From His VlCTlM..Check comments⬇️

A British man, Richard Thomas, 27, was sentenced to five years and four months for ra. ping a woman while she slept. He was later informed that he might have contracted HlV from the vic. tim. Thomas, who had been drinking heavily and using dr. ugs that night, could not recall the assault but believed the woman’s account. The at. tack occurred when Thomas entered her home uninvited and assauIted her while she slept after taking a sleeping piII.

Thomas, who has a history of drug and aIcohoI abu. se, expressed remorse for his actions. He was also placed on the S. ex Of fenders Register. His lawyer stated that he was troubled by the events, and although he had a history of add iction, he acknowledged that his HlV risk was a consequence of his own actions. It remains unclear whether Thomas contracted HlV.

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