New fear unlocked😳..Video in the first comment👇

A new simulation shows the terrifying fate of being swallowed whole by a sperm whale. While sharks usually top the list of ocean fears, this scenario might give you a new one.

Sperm whales, found in deep oceans worldwide, are unlikely to cross your path, but if they did, the outcome would be grim. The simulation, shared by Zackdfilms on YouTube, explains that you’d be squeezed down the whale’s throat into stomach chambers filled with digestive acids. Even if you avoided the acid, the lack of air would quickly lead to suffocation.

Viewers were horrified, commenting on the darkness, smell, and hopelessness of the situation. Surprisingly, something similar happened in real life. In 2021, lobster diver Michael Packard was briefly caught in a humpback whale’s mouth but was luckily spat out unharmed.

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