When they got to the hospital and the doctor looked at the ultrasound, he saw something that the mother couldn’t believe. How do you feel about this?..Details in the first comment👇👇

Laura Perkins struggled with fertility for a year before considering treatments. While in Nicaragua, a pastor prayed for her and told her that God had big plans for her.

After a round of intrauterine insemination, Laura thought it hadn’t worked, but during a check-up, she was told her pregnancy would involve multiples. Initially expecting twins or triplets, Laura’s first ultrasound revealed five babies. Shocked, the doctor found a sixth, confirming they were part of the 1% chance of conceiving sextuplets.

Laura and her husband faced a tough decision—reduce the pregnancy or keep all the babies, despite the slim chances of survival. They chose to keep them all, and doctors promised to do everything to get them to 28 weeks.

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