Helen Mirren’s Husband Doesn’t Make Her Feel Beautiful – How She Defies Beauty Standards..
Helen Mirren is gradually changing the standards of female beauty. The actress abandoned her iconic bob haircut and now wears her hair long. It was another way to break down stereotypes about what older women can and can’t do with their hair. At almost 80 years old, she is fond of aging.
Helen Mirren is an award-winning British actress. She is usually known for her stunning short haircut, but that changed during quarantine due to COVID-19.
The veteran star decided to try something new and grew her hair. Mirren showed off her new look for the first time during an advertisement for her film “Shazam! “Rage of the Gods”, where she plays the villainess Hespera.
After Mirren was locked in the house during the pandemic, her hair began to grow. She said she didn’t bother with a haircut and would keep her long locks for a while. When she saw herself with a different hairstyle, it dawned on her that she had never seen her hair long since she turned 20.