The police in a helicopter thought the kids were playing, but then realized that the children were trying to tell them something through a secret sign. When they looked in that direction, they couldn’t believe their eyes đź‘€ Look what they saw in that direction: Check the comments⬇️

A group of children, dubbed the “Tremendous Twelve,” became heroes when they cleverly helped police catch two burglary suspects. While on an Easter egg hunt in a Surrey field, the kids, aged 6 to 12, spotted a man running near the field’s edge as a police helicopter circled overhead.

Realizing the helicopter wasn’t heading in the right direction, the kids quickly lay on the ground to form a human arrow pointing toward the suspect. After holding their position for about a minute, the helicopter spotted their signal and pursued the fleeing man.

The children, who were accompanied by their Yorkshire terrier, Molly, shared their excitement later, saying, “We feel really proud – it was awesome.” Their quick thinking and teamwork made them unexpected heroes in a real-life adventure.

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